from: Burning (Andante Non Troppo)
- Jack Gilbert
We are all burning in time, but each is consumed
at his own speed. Each is the product
of his spirit's refraction, of the inflection
of that mind. It is the pace of our living
that makes the world available. Regardless of
the body's lion-wrath or forest waiting, despite
the mind's splendid appetite or the sad power
in our soul's separation from God and women,
it is always our gait of being that decides
how much is seen, what the mystery of us knows,
and what the heart will smell of the landscape
as the Mexican train continues at a dog-trot each
day going north. The grand Italian churches are
covered with detail which is visible at the pace
people walk by. The great modern buildings are
blank because there is no time to see from the car.
A thousand years ago when they built the gardens
of Kyoto, the stones were set in the streams askew.
Whoever went quickly would fall in. When we slow,
the garden can choose what we notice. Can change
our heart.
Recommended reading: James Gleick’s Time Travel; David Hatcher Childress’ The Time Travel Handbook; Phil Hornshaw and Nick Hurwitch’s So You Created a Wormhole; Allen Everett and Thomas Roman’s Time Travel and Warp Drives; Allen Everett, Thomas Roman's Time Travel and Warp Drives: A Scientific Guide to Shortcuts through Time and Space; and Kip Thorne’s The Science of Interstellar.
And: Stanley Kim Robinson’s Galileo's Dream and Borges’ ”The Garden of Forking Paths”
Goodreads favorite time travel novels /Want to read: Slaughterhouse-Five and the Time Traveller's Wife?
Awesome photo by super talented Mouser William. He called it "Like Something Victorian science fiction" but it is FIREBALL 2018 Flight # 690N (My husband is PI).
3 Quarks: Would It Be Better If There Were More Of You? By Tim Sommers