Brooks sent this: Velázquez’s Las Meninas: A detail that decodes a masterpiece
Being Alone with Las Meninas at 3 Quarks Daily July 23, 2018
Part One of this Post is: A Novel to Cross a Desert With
Don Quixote Diaries Michel Foucault
Also Eyes Swimming with Tears and A Novel to Cross a Desert With
Also recommended:
Laura Cummings: Vanishing Velasquez (I have read it four times!!)
Everything is Happening: Journey into a Painting, by Michael Jacobs
Jonathan Brown: In the Shadow of Velasquez
Another moving book about a picture: The Angel on the Left Bank: The Secrets of Delacroix’s Parisian Masterpiece
Below: Provoking the spectator. “Las Meninas” by Joel Peter Witkin