Mountains in spring
--calm and smiling
Mountains in summer
-- luxurious and dripping blue green blue
Mountains in autumn
--bright and clean, adorned in color
Mountains in winter
--somber, as if asleep
My first attempt below followed by brilliant friends' suggestions below.
笑= laughing, smiling, blossoming
Jan Walls:
Mountains in spring, calm and peaceful,
seem to be smiling.
Mountains in summer, lush and green,
seem to be dripping.
Mountains in autumn, bright and clean,
seem to be adorned.
Mountains in winter, pitiful and bland,
seem to be asleep.
I love how he retains the form七言絶句
Gary Gach:
This mountain, in spring
xxxx xxxx
This mountain, in summer
xxxx xxxx
( I break up the line and use hung indents – having worked with CH Kwock for a couple decades )
Also – to catch the poem's voice I wonder who wrote it / when / why etc
Samel Peralta:
I agree with Gary's idea and ear. I would use "These mountains" to work between his and your thoughts.
Jim Hill:
Eric Selland:
Avoid repeating the word “mountain” in every line. “Mountains smile in spring / In summer lush and green” etc. etc.
Robin: I have been tortured by English forcing that choice for decades but cannot help you. I would like to ask a literate chinese person which they would english this one as.
two easy choices:
13 春さむし富士と筑波と睨みくら互ひに笑ひ吹き出だす風 手柄岡持(E10-3)
In the still cold Spring, Fuji and Tsukuba stare each other down,
when suddenly we hear peals of laughter all around: the wind!
14富士のねも筑波の山も武蔵野のはらを抱えて笑ふ春の日 宿屋飯盛1809沢辺霞丸dr
As Fuji-san & Tsukuba’s warming arms embrace the broad girth
of Musashi Plain this fine Spring day laughter comes to earth.
1818 kamigata kyouka also easy
Where gate-pines were dug out of each hill, how funny to see
before Spring comes and mountains ‘smile’, just the dimples!
1820 also smile
笑いかゝる春の山のハ顕には見せぬ霞の袖に覆いて 庵道
Spring hills, as they smile with blossom lips and leaf-shine teeth,
feel shy to be so patent and raise sleeves of haze between us.
But, 上方狂歌「風の手にこそぐり立つる山の腰くつ/\笑う春は来にけりIn the Land of the Rising Sun where the Wind has hands like you & me
the mountain buttes get tickled in the Spring: see them laughing heartily.
Got zillions more but one last C+V
All the mountains break into smiles or laugh as the snow melts
some are ice-cracking cacklers, some make a mushy chuckle . . .
When we scan the horizon what we see is Spring laughing hey, hey, hey!
in Japanese letters, such へへへs
Mountains smiling in early spring" --Borrowed like so many things from China, it was made famous by the Northern Song painter Guo Xi, whose poem about mountains smiling and laughing appeared in an poetry anthology in Japanese known as 漢詩集 「臥遊録」 Chinese Poetry Anthology Dream Journey Jottings: 春山淡治而如笑 夏山蒼翠而如滴 秋山明浄而如粧 冬山惨淡而如眠 “Mountains smiling in early spring” was an image much appreciated in Japan. Imagine after what must have felt like an almost unendingly long period of cold and depressing "mountains sleeping," the mountains in March would seem to almost "spring" to life again.
Painting of Early Spring by Song: Guo Xi's